Wednesday, April 30, 2008

He likes what?!

Despite this journal having a readership of one... although maybe it will become more eventually, or possibly I have a secret stalker I don't know about... but that is beside the point. In spite of the fact that no-one beside myself views this sad little corner of the internet, I would like to promote to you all a little piece of silliness that restores my sanity just by looking at it. I wish to present to you the website "I firmly believe that Mr Tulkinghorn likes muffins", generally found at It is a delightful piece of whimsy (and you know how much I like whimsical things!) and it is just so funny.

Granted, it takes a fairly extensive knowledge of "Bleak House" to fully appreciate it. Not to much a sense of the ridiculous. But since I have the latter in spades, it is matters very little whether I have the former or not. But how can you not be amused by such a line as "Perhaps you missed the subtleties of what occurred during each jam-packed (strawberry jam, I assume) episode." I grant you in isolation, it is merely amusing, but in the context of the whole website, it is hilarious. In fact, the whole site is hilarious. I mean, a website dedicated to the idea that one of Dickens' most despised characters could have a secret yearning for good muffin is incredibly amusing, is it not?

1 comment:

Veronica Harmonica said...

Ooh, look - a comment! The readership of this blog has just doubled! Yes, welcome to the Land of Blog!! I'm not a stalker you don't know about, for you know me quite well! ^_~ SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT TELLING ME!!! But now this is *truly* the pot calling the kettle black, for I did not tell you about my own blogging attempts [although I suspect you may now go and read said (terrible) attempts]. Keep it up, please! I'll be sure to read! ♥