Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Welcome to the Land of Blog?

I'm not even sure why I am starting a new blog... It is completely unnecessary - a downright waste of time, in fact, as I have too much to do as it is, without even spending more time pouring out my soul into the vacuum that is the internet.

Oh dear. I've begun to sound quite depressed.

You may be surprised to learn, wide world, that I am not actually depressed. In fact, I am quite the opposite. In the past two years, I have discovered even more joy in my life than I knew was possibly. I have found the love of community of people united by a common hope and faith, and friendships that run deeeper than I thought possible.

And now I've decided I'm going to grow up a little bit. Not that I'm going to stop having fun. But it is time for me to start taking a lot more responsibilty for how my life is lived - and who it is lived for. And I want to be able to keep my promises to myself and to Him. It's very easy to keep promises to other people, you know. If you don't, you know you'll be wracked with guilt and shame for days afterward, and they may never speak to you again. But a promise to yourself? Who cares?? We don't respect ourselves enough to keep these kinds of promises. And promises to God? Well, at the time of fulfilling the promise, He always seems a long way away, doesn't He? But He's not, is He? And He sees and He knows. Thank goodness for grace.

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