Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mind Games

It only struck me this weekend, how much what is going on in our head impacts our emotional and spiritual reality. In addition to trying to focus on being away on a camp and getting to know new people, encourage them and lead well, I had other scholastic and family stuff going on in the background, not to mention my turbulent relationship with God. And amongst all this stuff, my mind began to cave in under the pressure....

I'm probably going to talk about this a lot of the next little while, because it's an area I need to do a lot of exploring in myself.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

One of the problems with what goes on in our heads is just that - that it is all inside your head. And by that I do not mean you are making it up. That is not what I mean at all. What I'm talking about is that we often don't talk about the deep things that we are churning over in our minds. We bottle them up inside, feeding on the stress they produce and making ourselves sick emotionally and spiritually.

Talk to someone. Most importantly, talk to God - pray. I wasn't doing this - falling into the trap of assuming my problems were mine to deal and God was too busy, too good, too anything that would give me a reason to horde my problems up inside and try to fight my own battles. This is crazy!!! Not only does God ask up to hand over what's stressing us out to him, but he tells us why he does - not prove he's better or he wants something done in return but because he loves us. He loves you. And God is a lot bigger than you, so he will handle it. The solution may not be what you want or expect, but it will be the best in the long run if you persevere.

Also, talk to other people. Give them a chance to pray for you and to speak wisdom into your life. Or even to just be there for you. When I was falling to pieces, one of the Christian men I am friends with just came and sat with me. He didn't ask me much, and he didn't say a huge amount, he was just there. And that often silent companionship meant a lot more to me than having advice thrown at me, or being asked to dissect my feelings and thoughts. Talking can also be good though. In the aftermath, I spent a long time with my best friend just confessing all the things that were on my heart and mind, that I hadn't been sharing. And she gave me some useful insights from her own experience in what God has been teaching her. You don't need to share everything, but please find someone you trust, someone who will pray for you and let them know as much as you feel comfortable sharing. Believe me, it helps.

Get the problems out there people, cause the more you keep them inside, the more they fester and consume you. Don't do what I did and try and be happy and smiling when you're crying inside. The "stained glass masquerade" (if you don't know what I mean by that, go check out Casting Crowns - they're awesome) never helps anyone; not us, not our friends and family and not those around us, trying to find out who Jesus is and what being a Christian is all about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kit,

I actually haven't commented here for quite a while.

I think that it is important to realise that there are things that are simply beyond our control and so all that we really can do it pray.And even for the things that appear to be within our control are so often not.