Monday, April 20, 2009

Cross Dressing

This is taken from a sermon at my church recently, that I wanted to share with you. A few of the thoughts are my own, but most of them are from one of our awesome pastors, Mike Everett, who preached the sermon. The passage was Ephesians 4:17-32.

Because of the new life we have in Christ, we don't want to keep walking as the world walks. And this extends to the way we 'dress' ourselves - the attitudes and behaviours we put on each day. Being new creations in Christ, we should be 'dressing' in a way that reflects the cross (hence the title :P).

But the old clothes- the sinful habits - are very comfy, and everyone else around is 'wearing' them, and so we start to blend in, no longer reflecting the hope within us - our calling to Christ. It's a daily battle to choose to put on the 'Jesus suit' - the decision to imitate Christ in thought, word and deed.

And how do we do it? By 'engaging you brain' and paying attention to the choices you are making and by filling your mind with the gospel. We have to practise at choosing God's way, persevere even when it's not what we want to do and pray, because we can only do it in his strength.

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