Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's Your Passion?

I was chatting to a friend earlier today, and somehow (I don't even remember how) we got onto the topic of my love for dancing. I learned dancing (ballet and jazz) for many years, and I absolutely love being able to move to music.

I wish I could explain better what dancing means to me. How, when I dance, it's like everything - my body, my heart and my soul - are all moving together, in an expression of all that is in me - my dreams, my tears, my hopes and my desires. I get this feeling of joy and freedom and hope that just rushes through me. I can't explain it or understand it. But I know I passionately love dancing.

But I know dancing isn't for everyone. Some people (Nica... Andy...) believe they're too unco-ordinated, or just don't enjoy it. But everyone has some activity they are passionate about. For me, it is dance; for someone else, it may be running around a soccer field and scoring that winning goal. It might be taking beautiful photos, sewing a new dress, making a great meal. Whatever it is, I hope you find your passion. Cause no-one should miss out on the feeling that it brings.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Now that I've left Student Life, I don't mind sharing this: I don't hate dancing as much as everyone may think :p I have admitted before, that if you get the right music, I will dance. And at that time, I can fully relate to what you posted about the emotions, etc. being expressed through that dancing.