Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bearing Witness

I often hear people toss around the idea that we don't need to go out and evangelise, because we are supposed to be witnesses in the way we live our lives. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't really think the beauty and glory of the gospel shines through the way I live my life, and I know in some instances my life is more likely to drive people away....

I saw this happen today at work, and it made me so sad....

A customer came in, wanting an item in an unusual quantity, which we were unable to produce. We apologised and offered her some alternative options, to which her response was "You people are hopeless. Why can't you just give me what I asked for? Every other place has managed to." The assistant serving her, myself and the pharmacist were a little taken aback at the rudeness.

Then the woman continues to talk at the assistant as she fixes up her purchases, and the customer says "When I was at church this morning..." After the customer had left, the pharmacist turns to the other assistant and myself and says "Wonderful Christian spirit there, eh?"

Paul says we are Christ's ambassadors to the world. We are sent with the message of the gospel, representing God. But does our behaviour, particularly to those who are serving us, reflect the true spirit of Christ? Are we holding up the reputation of Christ or bringing it into disrepute? Just some food for thought, that made me think about my own behaviour and speech.

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