Sunday, July 18, 2010

Marking time

Do you ever feel like you're running on the spot?

I think I've been feeling like this for a while, without realising why. I had no forward momentum, being so caught up with work and people and stuff, that I stopped going deeper with God. I stopped growing spiritually. And I think perhaps part of that was fear - fear of trusting every last piece of my heart and my will up to God. It seemed safer to stay where I was. I was already there; I knew the territory; it was comfortable. But the problem with trying to stay the same is that everything will keep changing around you, and sooner or later the current is going to take you with it. I was blessed that, for me, that current was my best friend, who has (metaphorically) given me a good push in the right direction. We're doing a great study series together at the moment that focuses on spiritual growth. But not everyone has a best friend like mine, and the danger is the current will be the world's current, which is rushing away from God as fast as it can go. So, are you going to choose to move forward in faith, or are you going to keep hesitating until the world drags you back?