Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dedicated to the singing cucumber who stole my heart

Sometimes I think I spend far more time doing what I think will make me happy, than doing what actually does make me happy. Confused? Let me explain.

On Sunday I was trying to work hard on putting together my resume, as the time is fast approaching when I will (hopefully) graduate and need employment. But, as you do, after a couple of hours of working on this document, I found I was becoming less and less productive and realised it was time for a break. So as is my usually bad habit, I went onto my favourite games site on the net and started to play, only to find it wasn't really giving me any happiness. At a loss as to what to do to console myself, I wandered upstairs and flipped on the television, only to find that VeggieTales was on. Now, for anyone not familiar with VeggieTales, it is a Christian children's cartoon, where singing vegetables act out Bible stories or stories about knowing God. Yes, it sounds ridiculous. But it's also fabulous.

I haven't watched a whole episode of VeggieTales since I was in primary school, but that day, it was exactly what I needed. Even in his ridiculously high pitched cucumber-y voice, Larry reminded me of some important things about God I had been ignoring and also what it means to just have fun. Even if that means singing along at the top of your voice completely crazy songs about water buffaloes and blue kangaroos.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

More than you think you are...

I was having a conversation the other day with one of my closest friends, and I must admit I was being a little emo and venting all my 'issues' on the poor guy. And he said to me that I was a gem, and to make light of it all I jokingly said "What colour?"

And this is what he replied to me "Rainbow to show the many different facets of your character that makes you such a valuable gem".
(Yes, all the girls reading this may now swoon...).

Opals are one of the most expensive gemstones in the world. They may appear black or white on the outside, but when light hits them at the right angle, they become an riot of colours. And this is true of every soul, only I had forgotten it.

We are all more than the colour we see on the surface. Often we get trapped into thinking of ourselves one way - in many cases a very negative way. But we are more than we think we are. I may see myself as a student or a patient because that is the role I am filling that day. But there is so much more underneath.

I am friend-sister-daughter-leader-student-patient-carer-follower-mentor-counsellor-artist-listener-evangelist-musician-intercessor-witness. And these are only the ones I could think of at the moment.

But just like the opal, you will only see yourself truly in the light.

Jesus answered "I am the way and the truth and the light" John 14:6

If you want to know who you are truly, you need to see yourself through the eyes of the one who made you and the one who saved you. To quote a song I rather like, identity is found in Christ (Identity, Lecrae).

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Simple Gift

You know how sometimes there are people in your life that you could never say or do enough to thank them for being there for you? My best friend is definitely tops the list, but there are also two guys out there who have a very special place in my heart and who I couldn't imagine surviving the last year without. This is a small present to them. Excuse the strange first line... it came out of a random comment from my best friend, when we were hanging out with one of the guys and she saw something stuck on his wall.

To my heart's dearest brothers - ASD and MSC

This is a love letter
you may put on your wall
Tell the whole world -
I've told them before
You've been there
to pick me up when I fall.
Brother of my heart
I couldn't ask for more.

There have been dark days
and even harder nights.
Yet through it all I see
you stood by my side
Helping me back towards
the unfading Light
Brother of my heart -
example, friend and guide.